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  Public Ticket #671755


  • Marco started the conversation


    How can I change the text on the Wishlist page? "My wishlist on Gon"

    Kind regards,


  •  568
    Stormit replied

    Hi Marco,

    You go to YIT Plugins > Wishlist. You will see this text.

    Best regards,

  • Marco replied


    Further.. I have a problem with the Color Scheme in the theme options. The colors won\'t change when I make adjustments..

  •  568
    Stormit replied

    Hi Marco,

    The problem may be:

    1. The custom css file (the gon.css file in the uploads folder) was not updated. Please try changing the permission of the uploads folder to 777 and save Theme Options again.

    2. Your site is cached by plugin or server. You need to deactivate the cache plugin if you have already installed. If it still is not fixed, you should contact your hosting provider about caching.

    Best regards,