We have more than 2000 products in our store so its not possible for us to go to each product and apply some discount with start and end data. So we use a plugin https://wordpress.org/plugins/woo-advanced-discounts/ which allows us to apply discounts in bulk and fulfills our need. Then our product start showing in discount for the period we set. But those products do not show in TS deal widget. I looked into code and found that product deals widget trying
And obviously that plugin is not hardcoding setting this meta thats why its not coming in deals section. Is it possible that this ts deal widget also consider any hooks any of the plugin is adding and if any plugin trying to add sale then this widget should show the product in sale? Is it possible or is it make sense?
Are you mentioning the ts_template_loop_time_deals() function? If yes, you can install my blank plugin. Then, you copy the ts_template_loop_time_deals() function and paste to my plugin. You can edit the code in the custom plugin. Because it will be loaded before the code in the woo_shortcodes.php file.
Ok Thank you. 1 more question. Which products come in this function. Its start is
function ts_template_loop_time_deals(){ global $product;
But those products which i set in discount using plugin are not comming in this function $product variable. How can i make my products come in this function?
We have more than 2000 products in our store so its not possible for us to go to each product and apply some discount with start and end data. So we use a plugin https://wordpress.org/plugins/woo-advanced-discounts/ which allows us to apply discounts in bulk and fulfills our need. Then our product start showing in discount for the period we set. But those products do not show in TS deal widget. I looked into code and found that product deals widget trying
get_post_meta($product->id, '_sale_price_dates_to', true);
And obviously that plugin is not hardcoding setting this meta thats why its not coming in deals section. Is it possible that this ts deal widget also consider any hooks any of the plugin is adding and if any plugin trying to add sale then this widget should show the product in sale? Is it possible or is it make sense?
Thank you.
Hi Hassan,
Are you mentioning the ts_template_loop_time_deals() function? If yes, you can install my blank plugin. Then, you copy the ts_template_loop_time_deals() function and paste to my plugin. You can edit the code in the custom plugin. Because it will be loaded before the code in the woo_shortcodes.php file.
Best regards,
Ok Thank you. 1 more question. Which products come in this function. Its start is
function ts_template_loop_time_deals(){
global $product;
But those products which i set in discount using plugin are not comming in this function $product variable. How can i make my products come in this function?
I think i need to modify ts_product_deals_slider_shortcode as well to include those products as well which are being discounted by the plugin.
Hi Hassan,
Yes. The ts_product_deals_slider_shortcode function load products which are discounted.
Best regards,